Creation of the “Mummy of the Screaming Woman” from ancient Egypt by Sick Love Muscle.

Now famed Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass and Sahar Saleem, a professor of radiology at Cairo University who specializes in digitizing ancient mummies, recently performed CT scans and DNA analysis of the “Screaming Man” mummy. They determined that the corpse belonged to Prince Pentawere, son of King Ramses III.

Accused of conspiring to kill his father, Prince Pentawere was forced to commit suicide by hanging in a series of events that historians call “The Harem Plot.” Considered unclean by the priesthood, Pentawere’s Corpse was not mummified like the others, but wrapped in humble sheepskin, whereas all other royal mummies had been carefully wrapped in white sheets before being mummified.

Find the cause of death of the second screaming mummy

According to a report on Ahram, also discovered in 1881 in the Deir el-Bahari cache, it was the mummy of a woman displaying a look of sharp terror. She had an icy scream on her face and as such she became known as “The Woman Who Screams Mummy”. Head tilted to the right, legs bent and bent at the ankles, while all other mummies were found with their mouths closed in an upright position.

Trying to fix it Why the apparently screaming woman had been buried differently from all the other mummies and what could have caused her screaming look, Zahi Hawass and Sahar Selim questioned whether she might have suffered as violent a fate as Prince Pentawere.


The mummy of the screaming woman. ( Cairo University )

D’anciens rouleaux de lin hiératiques font référence à cette momie de femme hurlante comme “La Fille Royale, La Sœur Royale Meritamen”, mais néanmoins, parce que tant de princesses partageaient le même nom, elle a été étiquetée “La Mummy of the Unknown Femme”. However, according to a report from Egypt today, the results of the new Siemens scanner indicate that the screaming mummy was once “a woman who died in her sixties and that her body (unlike Pentawere’s) had received the greatest care by the mummifiers, who extracted the entrails and inserted expensive materials such as resin and perfumes”. in the cavity of his body, using pure linen to wrap the mummy.”

Science captures the murderer hidden in the screaming mummy

Investigators concluded that the circumstances that led to the death of the “unknown woman ‘s mummy” (Screaming Woman Mummy,) were different from the circumstances that led to the disappearance of “The Mummy of the Screaming Man” . In addition, this high-tech scanning technique produced a CT scan that indicated that the woman had suffered from severe atherosclerosis affecting numerous arteries throughout her body.

Atherosclerosis (arterial sclerosis) is a degenerative disease caused by narrowing of the arterial cavity and clogging of the blood vessels. CT scans identified areas of heavy calcification in the woman’s arterial walls.


CT scans reveal that the Egyptian princess died of a massive heart attack. The results show that he suffered from a severe case of atherosclerosis that affected several of his arteries. ( Cairo University )

“Heart attack” was studied in Egypt 3,500 years ago, and today the vast majority of modern clinical studies show coronary artery disease as the leading cause of sudden death in adults. The new study speculates that coronary vascular thrombosis damaged the screaming woman’s heart muscle, triggering her sudden heart attack.

It is also likely that she was in exactly the same bodily position, with her legs bent and wrapped at the ankles, uncovered, and that her sudden death caused her head to tilt to the right and jaw muscles to flex. they will relax causing her to open her mouth and freeze in what appears to be a horrible scream.

A disease of the love muscle

While the new study is incredibly vivid in its description of how the woman felt physically when she died: no scanner or scientist will ever know how much she must have suffered mentally. The reason why in today’s world we associate our hearts with emotions, especially love, is because the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart, and not the brain, was the divine source of emotions, but also the chamber of memories, the reserve of universal wisdom. the repository of the soul and the core of the personality itself.

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Knowing or thinking that the very seat of her soul was diseased must have caused her unimaginable trauma as death approached, and the poor woman must have been wracked with concern for her soul’s fate.

Top Image: The ‘screaming mummy’ of the woman about to be digitized. Source: Cairo University

By Ashley Cowie

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