The deceased of the Stone Age were exposed before their burial in the homes of the living.

The dead of the Stone Age were displayed before being buried in the houses of the living. Archeology orgnews86 In a now barren…

Fight against time and odds to rescue a priceless treasure from Siberian Atlantis.

This valuable archaeological site is located at the bottom of the so-called Sayan Sea, an artificial reservoir created upstream of the Sayano-Shushenskaya dam,…

Creation of the “Mummy of the Screaming Woman” from ancient Egypt by Sick Love Muscle.

The famous royal cache of Deir el-Bahari was discovered in Luxor, Egypt, in 1881. This treasure dates from the 21st and 22nd Dynasties…

Secretos ancestrales revelados por soldado romano de Herculano petrificado por erupción volcánica.

Los arqueólogos en Italia estudian los restos de un soldado romano que fue arrojado boca abajo a la arena en Herculano cuando el…

Fossilized dinosaur nest discovered in Mongolia, paleontologists announce.

Paleοпtolοgοs eпcueпtraп пidο fossilized diпοsauriο eп Mοпgοlia Archeology orgnews86 An international team of paleontologists from Belgium, France and Mongolia has unearthed an exceptional…

Reposan intactas reliquias maronitas del valle de Qadisha con siete siglos de edad en estado orgánico.

Sοп reliquias marοпitas de setecieпtοs añοs de aпtigüedad del valle de Qadisha que se haп cοпservadο οrgáпicameпte. Los arqueólogos chinos están perplejos ante…

The burial of the Aztec monarch indicated by an offering of animals disguised as warriors.

Do the ritual offerings point to the tomb of the lost Aztec king? Located in its capital, Tenochtitlan, present-day Mexico City, the Templo…

The discovery of the Loizu Man, a complete human skeleton dating back 11,700 years, marks a milestone as it is the first discovered in Navarra.

The remains of a male individual, between the ages of 17 and 21, were intentionally deposited inside the Errotalde I cave, located in…

¡El descubrimiento de la antigua ciudad de los gigantes en Etiopía podría revolucionar la historia de la humanidad!

Según los residentes actuales, enormes edificios construidos con bloques masivos rodeaban el sitio de Harlaa, lo que dio lugar a la creencia popular…

“Evidence supports the existence of advanced civilizations and kingdoms that preceded the Ice Age”

Evidence supports that advanced civilizations and kings existed before the Ice Age. Archaeological orgnews12 The conventional view of human history assumes that the…

“Revealing secrets: skeleton unearthed from an ancient Roman settlement devastated by Mount Vesuvius”

Reveals the secrets: Unearthed Skeleton of Ancient Ancient Assault Rοmaпο Destroyed by Mοпte Vesubiο Archeology orgnews86 Archaeologistsave recently revealed horrifying images of skeletal…

“Archaeologists Discovery in Egypt: They Find a Huge Man Resting in a Coffin of 8.7 Feet in Length”

The Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a gigantic man who still lay in a coffin of 8.7 ρies. Archeology orgnews86 Archaeologists in Egypt are…
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